Saturday, October 3, 2015

Week in Rewind

Hello friends!
I apologize for my absence.  Though I wonder if anyone missed me! haha  Even if you didn't, I will share how this week went down . . . wait, this week flew by so fast I don't even remember what I did on Monday.  Getting old isn't fun!

Meal Prep(lunch) went like this- Baked Mahi fillets and roasted squash.  I attempted to make my own gluten free bread crumbs with some GF bread that was past it's prime.  I didn't toast the bread long enough to achieve the crunchiness of bread crumbs.  However the bread crumbs tasted good, so I used them anyway.
I roasted delicata squash and zucchini squash.  Nothing fancy just olive oil, iodized salt, black pepper and lemon pepper.  Delish!

I was gifted these 

I use the term "gifted" because homegrown tomatoes this late in the year- is the holy grail of gifts!
So I turned a few of them into this-

Roasted Tomato Marinara!

It made less marinara sauce than you think. Roughly 4 cups.  I divided it up and froze it.  

This weekend, I intend to make salsa with the remaining tomatoes. (c:

On Tuesday I snagged this from my local supplement store, Nutrition Depot
I have to say, I wasn't impressed.  The artificial sugar taste(sucralose) was strong.  I had my tastebuds geared up for the Almond Vanilla flavor with a pumpkin coating.  It didn't taste like that AT ALL.  Needless to say, I didn't even finish the bar and I gave away the second one I purchased.
However, this prompts me to create a pumpkin protein bar this weekend.  It time permits.

Another disappointing thing happened this week.  I injured my left hamstring.  It was so tight, that it traveled up from the back of knee all the way to my glute and in my groin.  It was PAINFUL friends. I went to my masseuse and she worked on my left leg for 30 minutes straight.  She was in SHOCK at how tight my groin and glute.  She did a deep tissue massage and therefore I have bruises now.  However, the next day, I felt 100 times better!  I was astonished.  I get massages but I have NEVER had such great results in loosening of a muscle.  However, I am going back next week for her to work on it again, as well as the rest of my body!
Who wouldn't want a massage two weeks in a row???

On Friday we FINALLY received "fall" like weather!  It was cool enough for me to wear this BEAUTIFUL shawl my friend gave me- without sweating for the sake of fashion!  haha

Last night my church, hosted an FREE outdoor concert.  It was a PERFECT night for the concert.  The band played a mix of country, classic rock, hip hop and christian songs.  It was great!  We were also able to see the International Space Station fly over our area!!! It was a cool moment!

After the concert, I went home to go to bed early.  Yes, I know, it's Friday night. I should have been out playing.
However I wanted to take advantage of the cool temps Saturday morning for a long run.
Friends- you don't get much better running temps than that!!! I had a strong head-wind on the back half of my run, but I will take the wind ANY DAY over 95 degree weather!

I was SO glad I got up early!  I was able to catch this sunrise.  I am always in awe of the sunrises the Lord graces us with.  

After my run, I was starving!  On Saturdays- we make PANCAKES!

Thank you Madhava for AMAZING sweeteners!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Spice Pancakes!!!! Delish!

Well friends it's time to wrap this up!
Get out and enjoy this PERFECT weather!

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