Sunday, August 23, 2015


Sorry friends I have been MIA.  Lots of exciting and fun new things are going on around here! I cannot wait to share the details . . . .but not right now! (c; Stay tuned.

In the meantime, let me share the past week and all it's craziness.

First I need to confess . . . I have NEVER made boiled eggs! GASP! JAW DROP! I know, shocking!  I didn't like the taste much less the smell! Until this week, I had a boiled egg on my salad.  So I thought, what the heck, I will try it.  Boy, oh boy, I have been missing out!  So I consulted with my sister(fellow foodie and at home chef) on how to make them.

I boiled 3(arbitrary number I know) just to perfect the technique.  They came out perfectly.
The Royce Family Egg Boil Technique:
 Salt(I used Iodinized Salt)

Place eggs in pot and fill with water to 1-2" above the eggs.  Toss in 1 tbsp salt.  Slowly bring to a boil.  Then remove from heat and cover.  "Cook" for 12 minutes.  Remove eggs and place in an ice bath for 5 minutes.  Remove the eggs and gently tap on counter to crack shell.  Then peel and serve!
I like my eggs with hot sauce, of course!

Raise your hand if you're read for fall?!?!? (A thousand Texas size hands raise)  In the spirit of fall I wanted to create a stick-to-your-ribs but clean recipe.  So I created this


It came out AMAZZZZZING! Honestly, I really wasn't confident in how it would turn out.  Some dishes just cannot be "cleaned up".  I typically would have used ground turkey breast in a recipe like this, but it absolutely wouldn't be a substitute for this dish.  You need the heartiness of the beef.  I will be posting the recipe on "New Recipe Tuesday".  You can drool until then! haha (c;

Fast forward to the weekend, to my college bestie came to visit.  It was low key but fun girls-only weekend.  We shopped, ate, ate more and I made homemade ice cream!
"ALMOND JOY" Ice Cream

It was so darn good!  My friend Amanda and I didn't eat much of it, so I can some to share to anyone!! (c:
I will post this recipe on Tuesday as well.

Well I have to go meet my small group, so it's to say goodbye.

What is your favorite fall dish or treat?? What recipe would you like a healthier version of??

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