Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

Hey friends!
How was your weekend?  Eventful? Or chill?

I had an eventful weekend!  I drank a few more drinks than I usually have.  But it was all in safe, good fun!

Friday night, my Super-mom friend Athena and I went to Haak Winery!  There was live music, vendors(Stella & Dot- of course I'm hosting a party soon) and WINE!

Beautiful setting, except for the mosquitos!

We started off with FREE peach sangria!

We were celebrating Athena getting a new job, that constituted this amazing wine!

Cheers for Friday and good friends!

Wine-O Selfie!!

We finished the bottle and then headed home for the night.  We pondered stopping for ice cream but decided against since we had met our dietary guideline of carbohydrate in take! haha

On Saturday, I attended my sweet friend Alex's bridal shower.  It was tea party! Our friends hosted such a sweet party!  

After the tea party, I headed downtown to hang out with my girl, Lisa!
Since it was so hot, I thought a Coconut Mojito was just the perfect drink to cool us down!

I forgot to bring a muddler, so I used the end of a wooden spatula! haha Necessity is the mother of all invention (c;
Wow this shirt isn't flattering in pictures haha

Simply amazing!! and dangerous addicting haha

Cheers to a fun filled evening in Houston!

After a mojito, we headed to Whole Foods(no we didn't drive).  I was planning to cook dinner for my friends.  We grabbed all the ingredients we needed and headed to check out.  Just as we are about to check out, the fire alarm goes off!  We had to evacuate the store! Without food!  The alarm wasn't as loud as one would imagine, and since I didn't smell smoke, I didn't want to leave!
However the employees insisted.  We ditched the cart and headed outside.  We still couldn't smell or see smoke however 4 fire trucks showed up.  We didn't stay around to find out what was happening, we were too hungry.  We drove to Urban Eats to have dinner before hitting a few downtown bars.

Decisions, decisions!  No I didn't try the "Sherry Loves Penguins"  However I did try a Moscow Mule.  I am unsure what the hype is about.  I do not like the taste.

Three of six goofy friends!! (c:

We had a few more cocktails and headed back home.

Sunday was a lazy day. I did a bit of meal prep and watched(cried) the Texans.  I had high hopes for the season.  We are only 2 games into the season.  I know my hometown boys will pull it together!

Spaghetti Squash!!! Friends is a STAPLE in my kitchen!  I've paired it with everything from stir fry to eggs!  It's so versatile! I further should mention the outstanding nutritional stats these guys have:
1 cup serving is
31 calories
0.6g fat
7g carbs
1.5g fiber
2.8g sugar
0.6g protein

With those numbers, eat until your heart's stomach's content! 

I am SOOO excited to announce that my first Beachbody 21day Fix Challenge Group started TODAY!!!  I am coaching 3 friends through the 21 days along with apprenticing with my mentor as she leads her own group!
It's going to be SO much fun!  I too am working out along side my friends AND training for a half marathon.  Crazy girl status here!

Speaking of crazy, I got up at 5am to run.  I am beat!  Time for bed!
Goodnight friends!!

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