Tuesday, October 6, 2015

New Recipe Tuesday

Hey friends!
How is the week treating you so far? Good I hope!
I'm struggling to concentrate writing this post.  My hometown boys-Astros- are playing the Yankees tonight!!! We are up 1-0!  I can say the entire city of Houston is praying for win!!! haha

To kick off Fall- I have A NEW RECIPE!

First- there are 2 methods in which to make this soup.  You can use a high speed blender-like a Vitamix or Blendtec OR an immersion blender.  This is an immersion blender, if you're unfamiliar.
3-4lb Butternut Squash, peeled, seeded and cut into 1" cubes
1 Sweet Onion(yellow), peeled and quartered
2 Carrots, peeled and chopped
3-4 Garlic cloves, peeled
2 tbsp Olive Oil
3 c Low Sodium Chicken Broth
Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line a baking sheet with foil and spray with cooking spray.  In a single layer, place squash, onions, carrot and garlic on baking sheet.  Pour oil on veggies, then generously cover with salt and pepper.  Then toss to coat evenly.
Bake for 30 minutes or until squash is tender.

*If using a high speed blender- put all ingredients into blender along with chicken broth.  Blend until desired consistency. If you find the soup is still too thick, add in more chicken broth or unsweetened almond milk.  Serve with fresh black pepper or a dollop of greek yogurt.

*If using an immersion blender, put all ingredients into a stock pot.  Cook the squash until tender.  Then turn off the heat and carefully use the blender to blend the soup.  Blend until desired consistency.  Serve with black pepper or a dollop of nonfat greek yogurt.

Doesn't that look amazing??? 

I've been quite busy in the kitchen lately!  Since I still had a TON of tomatoes that I knew I couldn't eat alone, I made salsa!

Not picture- the 2 LARGE jalapeƱos I put in the salsa. I like the heat!! haha

Are there any "fall" like recipes you want me to "clean up"?? Post in the comments! I LOVE a challenge!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Week in Rewind

Hello friends!
I apologize for my absence.  Though I wonder if anyone missed me! haha  Even if you didn't, I will share how this week went down . . . wait, this week flew by so fast I don't even remember what I did on Monday.  Getting old isn't fun!

Meal Prep(lunch) went like this- Baked Mahi fillets and roasted squash.  I attempted to make my own gluten free bread crumbs with some GF bread that was past it's prime.  I didn't toast the bread long enough to achieve the crunchiness of bread crumbs.  However the bread crumbs tasted good, so I used them anyway.
I roasted delicata squash and zucchini squash.  Nothing fancy just olive oil, iodized salt, black pepper and lemon pepper.  Delish!

I was gifted these 

I use the term "gifted" because homegrown tomatoes this late in the year- is the holy grail of gifts!
So I turned a few of them into this-

Roasted Tomato Marinara!

It made less marinara sauce than you think. Roughly 4 cups.  I divided it up and froze it.  

This weekend, I intend to make salsa with the remaining tomatoes. (c:

On Tuesday I snagged this from my local supplement store, Nutrition Depot
I have to say, I wasn't impressed.  The artificial sugar taste(sucralose) was strong.  I had my tastebuds geared up for the Almond Vanilla flavor with a pumpkin coating.  It didn't taste like that AT ALL.  Needless to say, I didn't even finish the bar and I gave away the second one I purchased.
However, this prompts me to create a pumpkin protein bar this weekend.  It time permits.

Another disappointing thing happened this week.  I injured my left hamstring.  It was so tight, that it traveled up from the back of knee all the way to my glute and in my groin.  It was PAINFUL friends. I went to my masseuse and she worked on my left leg for 30 minutes straight.  She was in SHOCK at how tight my groin and glute.  She did a deep tissue massage and therefore I have bruises now.  However, the next day, I felt 100 times better!  I was astonished.  I get massages but I have NEVER had such great results in loosening of a muscle.  However, I am going back next week for her to work on it again, as well as the rest of my body!
Who wouldn't want a massage two weeks in a row???

On Friday we FINALLY received "fall" like weather!  It was cool enough for me to wear this BEAUTIFUL shawl my friend gave me- without sweating for the sake of fashion!  haha

Last night my church, hosted an FREE outdoor concert.  It was a PERFECT night for the concert.  The band played a mix of country, classic rock, hip hop and christian songs.  It was great!  We were also able to see the International Space Station fly over our area!!! It was a cool moment!

After the concert, I went home to go to bed early.  Yes, I know, it's Friday night. I should have been out playing.
However I wanted to take advantage of the cool temps Saturday morning for a long run.
Friends- you don't get much better running temps than that!!! I had a strong head-wind on the back half of my run, but I will take the wind ANY DAY over 95 degree weather!

I was SO glad I got up early!  I was able to catch this sunrise.  I am always in awe of the sunrises the Lord graces us with.  

After my run, I was starving!  On Saturdays- we make PANCAKES!

Thank you Madhava for AMAZING sweeteners!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Spice Pancakes!!!! Delish!

Well friends it's time to wrap this up!
Get out and enjoy this PERFECT weather!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

What's up loves? How is your weekend treating you? Good I hope.  I don't know about you but I am SOOOO ready for cooler weather!!!  It's hard to get in the "pumpkin spice" spirit when it is 90 degrees outside!

Anyway, here is a recap of this week's events!

On Mondays, I rise and run before work.  Which isn't easy.  For some reason, this Monday was harder.  It was warm, 73 degrees, but I never felt comfortable.  From a breathing standpoint, even after using my asthma inhaler.  But I pushed through and completed my 5 miles.

On Wednesday, I also ran before work.  Why? Because I knew I wasn't going to workout that evening.  Because I had a little ball game to attend!

THE James Hardin threw out the first pitch!  We looked for Khloe Kardashian, but didn't see her.

My boss, my sales engineer and I went to the game. We had AWESOME seats! 
I was so close to the players! I am quite spoiled! haha
We lost, but we still had fun!

After the game, it was time for dinner.  Since I had spaghetti squash, I made my "rustic and quick" marinara sauce.

It's a simple but quick sauce using cherry or grape tomatoes.  Epic fail on my part for not taking a finished product picture.  I will make it again soon and properly photograph it.  I will post this recipe on Tuesday!

Thursday and Friday were like any other day.  Except that I ran 6 miles before work.  I will need to start hydrating and fueling during my longer runs.  I am looking in a hydration backpack.  Does anyone have any recommendations other than Camelbak brand?

Today was my cousin's bridal shower.  My sisters and I hosted and had a blast.
(L to R- Me, my older sister, the bride, my younger sister, our close friend/bridesmaid) 

Look at those cakes!!! Isn't my sister talented??  She made homemade whipped buttercream icing.  It was DELICIOUS! Don't judge me! I tasted the icing NOT the cake!

My Grandma, the bride, and my mom

After the shower, we all went back to my parents house to chillax.

As I'm writing this, my dad is out grilling me a steak!! Yum! 
What are you guys grilling up tonight???

Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

Hey friends!
How was your weekend?  Eventful? Or chill?

I had an eventful weekend!  I drank a few more drinks than I usually have.  But it was all in safe, good fun!

Friday night, my Super-mom friend Athena and I went to Haak Winery!  There was live music, vendors(Stella & Dot- of course I'm hosting a party soon) and WINE!

Beautiful setting, except for the mosquitos!

We started off with FREE peach sangria!

We were celebrating Athena getting a new job, that constituted this amazing wine!

Cheers for Friday and good friends!

Wine-O Selfie!!

We finished the bottle and then headed home for the night.  We pondered stopping for ice cream but decided against since we had met our dietary guideline of carbohydrate in take! haha

On Saturday, I attended my sweet friend Alex's bridal shower.  It was tea party! Our friends hosted such a sweet party!  

After the tea party, I headed downtown to hang out with my girl, Lisa!
Since it was so hot, I thought a Coconut Mojito was just the perfect drink to cool us down!

I forgot to bring a muddler, so I used the end of a wooden spatula! haha Necessity is the mother of all invention (c;
Wow this shirt isn't flattering in pictures haha

Simply amazing!! and dangerous addicting haha

Cheers to a fun filled evening in Houston!

After a mojito, we headed to Whole Foods(no we didn't drive).  I was planning to cook dinner for my friends.  We grabbed all the ingredients we needed and headed to check out.  Just as we are about to check out, the fire alarm goes off!  We had to evacuate the store! Without food!  The alarm wasn't as loud as one would imagine, and since I didn't smell smoke, I didn't want to leave!
However the employees insisted.  We ditched the cart and headed outside.  We still couldn't smell or see smoke however 4 fire trucks showed up.  We didn't stay around to find out what was happening, we were too hungry.  We drove to Urban Eats to have dinner before hitting a few downtown bars.

Decisions, decisions!  No I didn't try the "Sherry Loves Penguins"  However I did try a Moscow Mule.  I am unsure what the hype is about.  I do not like the taste.

Three of six goofy friends!! (c:

We had a few more cocktails and headed back home.

Sunday was a lazy day. I did a bit of meal prep and watched(cried) the Texans.  I had high hopes for the season.  We are only 2 games into the season.  I know my hometown boys will pull it together!

Spaghetti Squash!!! Friends is a STAPLE in my kitchen!  I've paired it with everything from stir fry to eggs!  It's so versatile! I further should mention the outstanding nutritional stats these guys have:
1 cup serving is
31 calories
0.6g fat
7g carbs
1.5g fiber
2.8g sugar
0.6g protein

With those numbers, eat until your heart's stomach's content! 

I am SOOO excited to announce that my first Beachbody 21day Fix Challenge Group started TODAY!!!  I am coaching 3 friends through the 21 days along with apprenticing with my mentor as she leads her own group!
It's going to be SO much fun!  I too am working out along side my friends AND training for a half marathon.  Crazy girl status here!

Speaking of crazy, I got up at 5am to run.  I am beat!  Time for bed!
Goodnight friends!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hey loves!
I need to apologize for my absence! Lots of new, fun and exciting things are going on around here. I am so blessed.  I will share the details soon!
First I need to share a few pics and a recipe or two!

Turkey Pumpkin Chili 
1lb Extra Lean Ground Turkey Breast
1-15oz can Diced, Fire Roasted Tomatoes
1-10oz can Tomato Sauce
1-15oz can Pinto Beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 C Low Sodium Beef Broth
1/2 Red Onion, chopped
1 Red or Yellow Bell Pepper, chopped
3 Garlic Cloves, chopped
1 tbsp Coconut Oil
2 1/2 tbsp Chili Powder
2 tsp Cumin
2 tsp Paprika
1-1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper(less if you don't like spicy)
1 tsp Salt

In a medium pot over medium heat, melt oil.  Then add onion, bell pepper, garlic and ground turkey.  Cook for 5 minutes or so.  Then add in can tomatoes, tomato sauce, beef broth and all seasonings stirring thoroughly.  Reduce heat to low.  Simmer for 10 minutes.  Then add in beans and pumpkin.  Simmer for another 5 to 8 minutes.  Serve over fresh spinach, a baked sweet potato or with nonfat greek yogurt on top.  Enjoy!

Last Saturday was my 9th race!!! Yes 9th!  I had the pleasure of running the Travis Manion 9/11 Fallen Heroes Run.

My friend Athena and I before the race.  It was such a cool morning.  However due the rain the night before, the ground were soggy and made parking difficult.  Which then lead to a delay in the start.  A one hour delay!  That wasn't fun because it quickly warmed up to 80 but time the race started.
However, we still had a great time supporting our local armed service men and women!

I also got to race in these fly kicks for the first time!! Too bad I got them REALLY muddy after the race!

My 10th race will be the Komen Houston Race For the Cure on October 31st!

Here is a link to my page "Team Coconuts" Show us your Coconuts- if you want to join me or want to donate!

I'm not sure what my 11th race will be.  My friend(seasoned runner) is trying to convince me to run the La Porte Fred Hartman Bridge Half Marathon!  If you're familiar with the area- that will be a tough race! PLUS I will be running a half marathon in December!  I'm not sure if I am ready for back to back half marathons.  

With all this run talk, I'm getting tired.  I've got a 6 mile run in the morning before work, so it's time to unwind.
Goodnight friends- I've missed you!!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Hello from Savannah!

I am so excited to be in Georgia! I flew in on Friday to co-host a baby shower for my friend Kate.  It was a small but sweet shower.  We started off by having brunch in Downtown Savannah
B. Matthew's Eatery

It isn't brunch without a mimosa!

GF Crab and Roasted Red Pepper Omelette! OMG!

After brunch we headed back to Kate's house for the shower and festivities!  I won't photo dump on you, but she was showered with gifts and love! After the shower we hung out and chatted until dinner.  After dinner we watched tv until bed time.

Sunday morning we all slept in.  It was SO nice to sleep in.  By sleeping in, I mean 8:30! haha  After breakfast we headed into Downtown Savannah to sight see.
We went down to the river walk to shop and look around.

It was lunch time and we were starving.  We stumbled upon this place called Dub's! It was SOO good!

We ordered the pimento cheese appetizer(with a side celery and carrots for me). It was really good.  I'm sure it wasn't "clean" but it was good!  

Look at this amazing presentation of my salad!!!

Look how pretty it is! It tasted just as good as it looked!

After the lunch, we walked around more.  Of course I had to go here
The Lady & Son's!! Paula Deen's restaurant!  We were too full to eat there but we did go into her store and look at all the "Hey ya'll"  stuff! haha

While there it started raining, which it rains EVERYDAY in Savannah.  But not for very long or hard.  

Here are some other pictures from our walk around downtown.

This picture is exactly what I picture in my mind when I think of Savannah!! It is so pretty- the trees with the Spanish Moss hanging down.

After walking over 4 miles, it was time to head back home.  Plus we didn't want to wear out preggo Kate! haha

For dinner we made homemade pizzas!  I tried this GF pizza crust mix!
It was SO good.  So of course I ate WAY too much. I'm miserable now! :-/

Well, it's time to wrap this up and visit with my friends!  You must make the most of good times with good friends!

Good night loves!!