Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ode to Almonds!

Hey Friends!
Don't you just love that title?! Grabbed your attention right??  I cannot help it- I'm nuts about nuts!
From my days of peanut butter and banana sandwiches, to Reese's peanut butter cups to peanut butter cookies, there is something euphoric about the nut butter that makes people weak in the knees.  Peanut butter makes everything- peanut butter!

However, in the past few years I have grown quite the affection to almonds. Move over peanuts!! Make way for almonds! haha Almond butter, raw almonds, almond crusted chicken, almonds in my salad. You name, I will "almond" it!

So I owe my "Ode to Almonds" to my friends over at for their encouragement in this post!

A- Amazing
L- Lowest calorie nut
M- Many uses
O- Oval Shaped
N- Nutrient Rich
D- Decreased risk of heart disease

Almonds are a super food, or at least I think so!  In 1 ounce they pack a mean punch with:
- 160 calories
-14g of Fat( 9 g of Monounsaturated Fat- the healthy fat)
-6 g of Carbohydrates, 3.5 g being Fiber
-6g of Protein

Being that almonds are one of the most versatile, healthy, low priced nut, it is easy to keep them in pantry.  One of my favorite ways to eat almonds is to make Almond Crusted Chicken.  Below is my recipe for this delicious, healthy, simple recipe.

Almond Crusted Chicken
3-4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
1/4c Unsalted Almonds, crushed using a food processor or blender
1/4 Whole Wheat Bread Crumbs(Panko or crushed Ritz crackers work well also)
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp Black Pepper
1/2 tsp Cajun Seasoning- optional
Pinch of Salt
1 egg white
Cooking Spray

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray(I use coconut oil spray).  Place egg white and chicken breasts in a medium dish with enough room to cover the kitchen.  In a shallow dish, I use an 8x8, mix crushed almonds, bread crumbs and seasonings.  One at a time, dredge chicken breast through breading mixture then place on baking sheet.  Continue until all chicken breasts are coated.  Sprinkle remaining breading mixture on chicken.  Bake for 30 minutes or until juice runs clear.  Optional- place oven on broil for 3 minutes to crisp chicken.  Be careful not to burn the chicken!
Serve with a salad, broccoli or your favorite side!

Go check out my friends over at! Not only do they have ALL things almond, they have coconut oil, healthy snack options, chia seeds and anything you could want to satisfy the need for nuts!

Tell me what your favorite nut is and how to eat it!

*Please note that I was asked by to create this post. All statements are my personal opinion and belief.   

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A mix of things

Happy Wednesday!
Whew! We're half way through the week!
Since I'm a little behind on my posts, I should catch you up on the happenings since Saturday.

On Sunday, my PeeWee Ville Volunteer Team had a potluck lunch.  I brought these brownies
They were flipping amazing!!
Grain Free, dairy free, non-gmo ingredients! 
I know what you're thinking- they taste like cardboard! Nope!
Here is the recipe, try it for yourself!

Dare You Brownies
1 c Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1/2 t Baking Soda
1 tbsp Coconut Sugar
1/2 c Chocolate Chips
1 c Pumpkin Puree(not pumpkin pie filling)
2 tbsp Unsweetened Almond Milk
1/4 c Agave(or honey- I used agave)
2 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
2 Large Eggs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Liberally coat an 8x8 glass dish with cooking spray or coconut oil.  Throw ALL the ingredients into a food processor and blend.  Pour mixture into dish.  Bake for 30 minutes.  Let cool for a few minutes before serving.
I "DARE YOU" to just eat one!

I forgot to post my Monday Motivation Instagram Post- here it is for you- Midweek Motivation!
That says it all!

Tonight, I get the pleasure of spending time with friends at the ASTROS GAME!! 2 games in less than a week #winning #luckygirl

Then on Friday is Group and Grub at my church.  It is where are the small groups get together and socialize over grub! Fun- yes!  I won't be able to stay long because I have to drive to Longview Friday night for my next race!
Yes race #8 ran up on me. haha! Pun intended!

The proceeds from this race benefit the Windridge Therapeutic Equestrian Center.  This race is also sponsored by my cousin's company, Mountain Supply & Service.  Should be fun time- my cousin is my "partner in crime"! haha

What do you have planned for the weekend??? I'd love to hear about it!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

What a week!

Hey Friends!
How is your weekend going?? Uh hot, right?? haha  Same here!
I feel like my weekend started on early- on Thursday! Some friends and I went to the Astros game.  We had prime seating
That is club level!  I've been quite spoiled when I go to the ballpark.  I always get(or someone treats me to) great seats!  
Before the game, we ate dinner at the park.  It was an unplanned "cheat meal" and it did not disappoint!
This is a blurry photo, it could have something to do with the double vodka-water I was drinking! haha  The burger was topped with bacon, cheese, jalapeños and fried onion rings.  It was tasty but gave me indigestion later. Thank goodness I didn't eat the bun, that would have made it worse.

Looks like ordinary water . . . . but isn't! (c:

Of course, my hometown boys won, when Jose Altuve hit a long ball in the 9th to break the tie!  

After that late night, it was hard to get up Friday morning for work.  I like to say I was suffering from a "fun night hangover".  Am I the only one who feels that way after an epic, endorphin filled night/event?? 
However, it didn't last long because I was meeting some friends that night at Haak Winery!  

Upon arriving, my friend informed me it was National Tequila Day! Well we decided we HAD to celebrate.  So round one went to Haak Winery!
Round two went to La Brisa!
If you have never been to La Brisa, I highly recommend it! It is worth the drive!  Try their stuffed avocado! It is outstanding!  No other restaurant in Houston has it, or if they do, it's a poor replication!

Round three(final round) went to La Brisa!!! haha
It was great way to end the evening with my friends! I am so blessed to have such great friends(who don't ever make me feel like the 5th wheel)! haha

Saturday started out with a bang, by hitting the gym at 9:30am.
I worked chest, triceps and core.  Afterwards, I went directly to Dunkin Donuts to caffeinate!  (i trained without my morning cup of coffee or a pre workout drink)

I then went to the grocery store to get food for the week.
Then I couldn't ignore the pool any longer.  I threw on my suit and found my favorite spot for prime sun bathing.  I didn't last long though.  It was scorching, so I floated in the pool for a bit and called it a day.

I've got a few options for tonight festivities, but I haven't picked yet. Real world struggles! JK!

What do you all have planned tonight?  Are you celebrating National Tequila Day today instead?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hey Friends!
How is the week treating you???? Pretty good here!  Since I released my cookbook back in April, I've  received a lot of positive comments and feedback.
My friend sent me these texts from his sister.

Each time I receive a compliment, I tear up. I am humbled!  It is also confirmation that I need to continue to pursue my passion.  

Today was 2-a-day Tuesday! Not sure it will be a weekly occurrence!  I got up at 5am and ran 3.5 miles.  I went to work, then hit the gym to train shoulders.  Surprisingly, I am not tired yet!

I didn't thaw any protein tonight so I made a meatless dish!
Isn't it pretty??? haha 
Zoodles w/ garlic, lemon and grape tomatoes! Delish!

Typically on Tuesdays, I post a new recipe.  The new recipe I was working on, isn't quite ready yet.  I promise to share it next week.
Hint: chopsticks


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

Good Morning Friends!
This is a rare occurrence for me to post in the morning.  I am sitting in my local Starbucks(where the Barista without fail sings Sherry baby and freaks me out in a sweet way) sipping my morning cup of iced coffee.  I woke up with tons of energy(without caffeine) and ready to get this day started.

Here are a few happenings from the weekend-
I ran my 7th of 12 races yesterday! It was a hot one!  Thank goodness it was only a 5k.  It was a small local race and I met some cool people.  We already committed to running races together, more so I convinced them to run the next two races with me! haha

Those goofy shades I am wearing- are youth size.  They don't bounce, rub my nose, nor do they sit too close for my eyelashes to rub.  They've survived 4 races, my niece and being thrown in my gym bag! Best $10 I've ever spent. Thank you Academy! 

After my race and properly hydrating,  I went DIRECTLY to Starbucks to caffeinate myself.  It was then time to shower and take a nap.

After my nap I was feeling adventurous and made gluten free bread!!!

It looks "rustic" but it tastes REALLY good!  It was a 3 ingredient recipe!  The bread didn't rise like it should have.  I will use a hand mixer next time to peak the eggs.  That should do the trick.

There is much debate on the health benefits of a gluten free diet.  I won't address it right now.  However based on my most recent blood work results, at the strong advice of my doctor, I am going gluten free as of Monday.  I ate gluten free for 1 year, about 5 years ago.  I do remember feeling better and not having any stomach issues.  I live with stomach and GI issues, so if my doctor suggests it, I am willing to try it.
I have lived with stomach and GI issues my entire life, which has catapulted this clean eating/meal prep/food obsession.  I started this journey 5 years ago in November.  I truly have never felt better.  Once you rid your diet of processed foods, white sugar, white flour, salt, I PROMISE you will feel better!  You will see results- not only in your waist line, but your skin, hair and nails too.

A few of my favorite websites for clean eating, juicing, and more are listed below(note these are my favorite sites- I did not receive any compensation or promotion for mentioning their sites)

On a different note, I need to share something. I am nerd. Crafty, go-to-Michaels-on-thursday-before-black-friday, an entire room dedicated to crafts, go to the library on my lunch hour, NERD!  One of my favorite hobbies is knitting! Yes- knitting.  I have made beautiful baby blankets, sweaters, scarves and shawls galore.  I could post the pics, but I shall not bore you with all of them, are there are quite a few.  Anyways, all of that said, to say, I haven't knitted in MONTHS!
I have 3 friends having a baby(2 friends just recently had babies) so I needed to get started on a few projects.
First up- a baby hat!

I usually make baby blankets, but I found this adorable pattern and couldn't pass it up.

As I type this, I have a new entree cooking in my crockpot.  I hope it turns out well.  The house smells good- that is a positive sign right?!?!
I should probably go check on it.

Have a great day friends! Happy Sunday Funday!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy Friday!

Woohoo it's Friday!  Are you doing the happy dance? I am!

This week was a busy one so I haven't share much. I apologize for that!  Since I have a race coming up, I knew I needed to run in the mornings.  Wednesday I got my little  booty up at 5:00am and hit the pavement.  I wasn't thrilled and it was hot!  It was worth it when I was able to see the sunrise over the lake.

Fridays are usually the day I eat lunch out.  Since I work with some great vendors,   I met one of my favorite vendors for lunch today.  We went to Nobi.  Friends, if you have been, you need to!
I NEVER drink on lunch hour.  For MANY reasons, one being, one drink just makes me want a nap!  Napping in your desk chair isn't appropriate behavior! haha  However today, my vendor, twisted my arm and I joined him in an adult beverage.  It was quite tasty!  It actually energized me for the rest of the day!

After work I headed to my race packet!
I am looking forward to this race because it is a local race.  By local, the starting line is about 5 miles from my condo!  Which means I can sleep in later than usual on a race day.  I've got my outfit laid out, small bag packed and I am ready to go!
It's going to be another HOT day.  So please pray for the health and safety of the runners.  It's going to be 80 degrees at start time. I'm a little worried.  My body just hasn't acclimated to running in the heat like in years past.  A sweet friend of mine suggested I bring a ice cold towel in a baggie with me.  I will definitely be doing that, even though it is only a 3.2 mile run.

Do you have big plans for the weekend???

What are your tips for staying cool while training outdoors??

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

New Recipe Tuesday

Hey Lovies!
How is this week treating you??? Good I hope!  My week is jammed packed with doctor's appointment, meetings, coffee dates, running, etc.  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.  Speaking of running- my next race is this Saturday!!!
The Lunar Rendezvous Honey Well Fun Run!  Right here in my backyard of Clear Lake!  I am super excited, mainly because I will get to sleep in longer since my drive time to the race is about 5 minutes!!

Last week, I was quite adventurous in the kitchen when I attempted homemade sunflower seed butter.  Friends, I will admit, I often have doubts about my recipes.  I HATE creating a recipe and failing.  More so over the wasted ingredients than anything.  There are starving kids in this country, how careless could I be with the food that could have fed them??  Though usually when a recipe doesn't turn out like I plan, it isn't a complete loss.  I repurpose, recreate and reuse! haha

Ok enough blabbering and on to the recipe!

2 c Roasted, Unsalted Sunflower Seeds
1 tsp Coconut Oil- optional
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tbsp Coconut Sugar
1/2 tsp Cinnamon- optional
Pinch of Sea Salt

Using a food process with the "S" blade, pour sunflower seeds in and start to blend.  The blending and mixing process will take a while- trust the process. Blend, push mixture down from the sides of the bowl, blend again. If your mixture seems to stick and will not get smooth, add in the coconut oil.  Repeating this process for approximately 10 minutes until desired consistency is reached.  If you like a smoother butter, go 12-15 minutes.  Once desired consistency is reached, add in vanilla, sugar, cinnamon and salt.  Blend for a few seconds until incorporated.  Store butter in a glass jar or air tight container for 2 weeks.

I'm beat and I have a 5am run scheduled.  Goodnight Friends! Sweet Dreams!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Whew what a weekend!

Hello Friends!
I hope you all had a great weekend!  I am sad to have this weekend end.  My sweet 7 year old niece stayed with me all weekend.
When she arrived on Friday afternoon- we must first- selfie! haha

The first thing on our list was to go to the library.  She is a bookworm just like her aunt!

Then we went to dinner at Pomodoro's.  Pizza, of course!  She ate 4 pieces! I was so surprised.  After dinner we headed back to my place to play in the kitchen.  We both love Fruity Pebbles cereal.  Fruity Pebble crispy treats were the perfect dessert!

You can bake without licking the spoons!

I have the perfect spot for viewing the Kemah Fireworks! Though this picture doesn't show that.  Since I had been up since 5am, after the show, we went to bed.  We had big plasm for Saturday so I needed my rest.

After breakfast, we let our stomachs rest then we headed to Jump World.  She jumped, I people-watched.  haha

She needed ALL of that stuff just to go to the pool- 20 feet from my condo! haha

We had a great day. Sun was out but not too hot.  My niece befriended everyone at the pool!  Even the people I don't know.  Well I guess I know them now thanks to her! That is such a "Royce" trait.  
When the sun set, it was time to head inside for dinner.
My niece wanted tacos.  By tacos she meant, the meat, cheese, lettuce, shell ALL separately.  With ketchup! Yuck! I sweetly informed her that that was not tacos.  We laughed.  

After dinner we headed to our favorite ice cream spot(well one of them)!
At this point in the weekend, I am nearing a diabetic coma.  However I will NEVER pass up ice cream!  We enjoyed our treat outside the shop, then headed back home.
I turned on The Aristocats and we settled in for the night.  Going throwback, I know.  What is your favorite throwback flick?
Friends, we located this gem at the library.  Yes, the library! They're free and they have an amazing selection! Adult and kids movies, tv shows, documentaries.  

Sunday, we got up and started getting ready for church.  We stopped for donuts she picked a white glazed with sprinkles, of course.  I grudgingly sipped on my green protein smoothie. haha

Since she hadn't been to my church I was worried she might not want to go to children's church.  She was excited when we walked in(our first impression crew in Creek Kids is awesome).  She loved it so much she didn't want to leave. 
We then grabbed a quick bit to eat and headed to the nail spa.  She wanted a pedicure, and what kind of aunt would I be if I didn't oblige.  Preface- she never gets them, so I figured I could spoil her a bit! #1 Aunt status!!!

After our spa treatment, it was time for me to take her home.  She was sad to go but missed her mom, dad and baby brother.

Selfie before I send her off!

This weekend was a glimpse into parenthood.  While scary and overwhelming, it was fun.  Parenthood is a blessing, but so is Aunthood!

Good night all!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

New Recipe Tuesday!

Hey Friends!
How is Tuesday treating you?? Good I hope!
Because this is a food and fitness blog, I should share the beautiful dinner I had last night.  Yes I am that person taking pictures of their food the minute it is placed on the table.

Doesn't that look AMAZING??? It is filet mignon topped with lump crab meat and a side of sautéed spinach!  This paired perfectly with a glass of Pinot Noir!!!  I ate the entire thing!! No shame here! It was SOOOO good!

I'm sure you're all waiting for the new recipes, so I will quit rambling on and share!
First up:

1- 13.5 oz Can- Reduced Fat Organic Coconut Milk
1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
1 tsp Maple Extract
1 packet Stevia
2-1/4 c Unsweetened Almond Coconut Milk
1/2 c Coconut Sugar
1 tbsp Pure Vanilla Extract
Pinch of Sea Salt

This is a 3 part process.  First, mix the canned coconut milk, vanilla, extract, maple extract and stevia in a glass jar. Shake well. Refrigerate overnight.  This step is essential to creating a rich flavor.  When ready to make ice cream, whisk almond coconut milk, sugar and salt until dissolved.  Then add vanilla extract and stir.  Next, add coconut milk mixture and stir.  Let this mixture sit in the refrigerator for 1 hour.  Then pour in frozen bowl for the ice cream maker.  Churn the ice cream as per ice cream maker instructions, about 15-20 minutes.  Remove bowl from machine and pour mixture in to a bowl.  Enjoy! You can add any toppings you wish!
Store ice cream in a plastic, airtight container.

Recipe #2
Coconut Mojito
*this mojito is not made with rum but vodka instead*
1.5 oz Coconut Vodka(I use Ivannabitch brand)
1/2 can La Croix Coconut Soda(or plain club soda) 
1 lime, sliced in half, then into 4 small wedges
6-8 Fresh Mint Leaves(depending on your mint preference)
1 tsp sugar OR 1 packet of Stevia
Favorite beverage glass

Muddle the mint, sugar and lime. Here is a video if you need a visual. It's okay if you linger a while to watch Jamie Oliver, he's so handsome!
This can be made with any flavored vodka. Or add in fresh fruit for added flavor.

A few weeks back, I won a free week membership to The Iron Den gym. So today I decided to give it a try.  Its a hardcore, knotty, gritty type gym.  No AC, nothing fancy and shiny.  I have to admit it, I loved it.  I sweated my booty off!!!  It was a nice change of scenery from my swanky gym- The Fitness Center at South Shore Harbor(though my heart is here).
I worked shoulders and sprinted a mile.
My shoulders look nonexistent in this pic )c:
What did you train today? 

Has anyone tried Shakeology shakes? Thoughts, advice?  I have some friends who really love them.  I am waiting on a couple of samples. I look forward to trying them.

Goodnight loves!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Weekend Festivities & Photo Dump

Hey friends!
I hope you all enjoyed the holiday weekend.  Since I was off on Thursday AND Friday I tried to make the most of it.  I slept in! By sleeping in, I mean 8:30am haha.  Friday I met a friend for lunch at a local bistro.
Doesn't that look great!! Amazing presentation! "Lady Bug" mozzarella salad with grilled chicken.  Tastebud Heaven!

After lunch, I met up with another group of friends for some fun times on the lake.  We launched the jet skis and took off across the lake going 70mph!  At one point my sweet friend Lisa(who drives a jet ski like her BMW) turned fast and we both flew off.  Neither of us got hurt, thank goodness.  We jumped back on and played for a few more hours.  
We took a dinner break to grab some pizza from a local pub.  After dinner(and watching baseball) we headed back to Lisa's parents lake house to pop fireworks.

Yes I know the pictures aren't great, but you get the point. I did have to help my two Scottish friends with the large fireworks.  No one got burned and the cops weren't called. #winning

On to Saturday! I slept in again!  I had coffee and breakfast in bed(my favorite).  I cleaned the house a bit, did a load of laundry then worked out.  
My gym was closed, which didn't give me an excuse not to train!  I went to Youtube on my Apple TV to find a workout. I have written a few at-home workouts but I wanted to try something new.
 I stumbled upon the BeFit channel.  Is anyone familiar?  I really enjoyed the HIIT (high intensity interval training) style.  The only critique I have is that it was more lower body than upper.  I wanted a mix of both.  Oh well! It was a great 450 calorie burn!

After my workout I cleaned up and joined some friends at my condo pool!

My beverage of choice for the 4th was coconut mojitos!!! 
Typically mojitos have rum, but I stumbled upon this coconut vodka and fell in love!
These are so refreshing, low in sugar and calories!! I will post the recipe on Tuesday! 

Summer holidays call for tasty treats too!  Since it was in the upper 90's, homemade ice cream was just what we needed to cool down.  

I was SO surprised that the ice cream turned out as good as it did.  I think it has a caramel-butterscotch-coconut flavor. To quote Guy Fieri- it is a trip to FLAVORTOWN!!!  Now some one needs to come eat some so I don't eat it all!!! I will post this recipe on Tuesday along with the coconut mojito recipe! (c:

Sunday Funday arrived quickly! It was a hot and breezy day- which called for quality time in the pool.  Unfortunately after the massive amount of guests (uninvited) at my condo pool this weekend, the pool cleaner thing was broken. I could have cried!  So I worked on my tan instead.

After my brief sunbathing session, I freshen up and headed to meet my small group.  We had a great meeting!

I probably need to wrap this post up and get some actual work done!

I announced the winner of the FREE digital cookbook on my Instagram.  Head over there to see who won!!!!
I will be hosting another giveaway soon! Stay tuned!!