This week was a busy one so I haven't share much. I apologize for that! Since I have a race coming up, I knew I needed to run in the mornings. Wednesday I got my
Fridays are usually the day I eat lunch out. Since I work with some great vendors, I met one of my favorite vendors for lunch today. We went to Nobi. Friends, if you have been, you need to!
I NEVER drink on lunch hour. For MANY reasons, one being, one drink just makes me want a nap! Napping in your desk chair isn't appropriate behavior! haha However today, my vendor, twisted my arm and I joined him in an adult beverage. It was quite tasty! It actually energized me for the rest of the day!
After work I headed to my race packet!
I am looking forward to this race because it is a local race. By local, the starting line is about 5 miles from my condo! Which means I can sleep in later than usual on a race day. I've got my outfit laid out, small bag packed and I am ready to go!
It's going to be another HOT day. So please pray for the health and safety of the runners. It's going to be 80 degrees at start time. I'm a little worried. My body just hasn't acclimated to running in the heat like in years past. A sweet friend of mine suggested I bring a ice cold towel in a baggie with me. I will definitely be doing that, even though it is only a 3.2 mile run.
Do you have big plans for the weekend???
What are your tips for staying cool while training outdoors??
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