Sunday, July 19, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

Good Morning Friends!
This is a rare occurrence for me to post in the morning.  I am sitting in my local Starbucks(where the Barista without fail sings Sherry baby and freaks me out in a sweet way) sipping my morning cup of iced coffee.  I woke up with tons of energy(without caffeine) and ready to get this day started.

Here are a few happenings from the weekend-
I ran my 7th of 12 races yesterday! It was a hot one!  Thank goodness it was only a 5k.  It was a small local race and I met some cool people.  We already committed to running races together, more so I convinced them to run the next two races with me! haha

Those goofy shades I am wearing- are youth size.  They don't bounce, rub my nose, nor do they sit too close for my eyelashes to rub.  They've survived 4 races, my niece and being thrown in my gym bag! Best $10 I've ever spent. Thank you Academy! 

After my race and properly hydrating,  I went DIRECTLY to Starbucks to caffeinate myself.  It was then time to shower and take a nap.

After my nap I was feeling adventurous and made gluten free bread!!!

It looks "rustic" but it tastes REALLY good!  It was a 3 ingredient recipe!  The bread didn't rise like it should have.  I will use a hand mixer next time to peak the eggs.  That should do the trick.

There is much debate on the health benefits of a gluten free diet.  I won't address it right now.  However based on my most recent blood work results, at the strong advice of my doctor, I am going gluten free as of Monday.  I ate gluten free for 1 year, about 5 years ago.  I do remember feeling better and not having any stomach issues.  I live with stomach and GI issues, so if my doctor suggests it, I am willing to try it.
I have lived with stomach and GI issues my entire life, which has catapulted this clean eating/meal prep/food obsession.  I started this journey 5 years ago in November.  I truly have never felt better.  Once you rid your diet of processed foods, white sugar, white flour, salt, I PROMISE you will feel better!  You will see results- not only in your waist line, but your skin, hair and nails too.

A few of my favorite websites for clean eating, juicing, and more are listed below(note these are my favorite sites- I did not receive any compensation or promotion for mentioning their sites)

On a different note, I need to share something. I am nerd. Crafty, go-to-Michaels-on-thursday-before-black-friday, an entire room dedicated to crafts, go to the library on my lunch hour, NERD!  One of my favorite hobbies is knitting! Yes- knitting.  I have made beautiful baby blankets, sweaters, scarves and shawls galore.  I could post the pics, but I shall not bore you with all of them, are there are quite a few.  Anyways, all of that said, to say, I haven't knitted in MONTHS!
I have 3 friends having a baby(2 friends just recently had babies) so I needed to get started on a few projects.
First up- a baby hat!

I usually make baby blankets, but I found this adorable pattern and couldn't pass it up.

As I type this, I have a new entree cooking in my crockpot.  I hope it turns out well.  The house smells good- that is a positive sign right?!?!
I should probably go check on it.

Have a great day friends! Happy Sunday Funday!

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