Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hey Friends!
How is the week treating you???? Pretty good here!  Since I released my cookbook back in April, I've  received a lot of positive comments and feedback.
My friend sent me these texts from his sister.

Each time I receive a compliment, I tear up. I am humbled!  It is also confirmation that I need to continue to pursue my passion.  

Today was 2-a-day Tuesday! Not sure it will be a weekly occurrence!  I got up at 5am and ran 3.5 miles.  I went to work, then hit the gym to train shoulders.  Surprisingly, I am not tired yet!

I didn't thaw any protein tonight so I made a meatless dish!
Isn't it pretty??? haha 
Zoodles w/ garlic, lemon and grape tomatoes! Delish!

Typically on Tuesdays, I post a new recipe.  The new recipe I was working on, isn't quite ready yet.  I promise to share it next week.
Hint: chopsticks


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