Friday, June 19, 2015

Helloooooo Friday!

Am I ever so happy to say Friday!! It's been an uneventful but oddly busy week.  I haven't had much time to play in the kitchen this week.
I did however make these tasty salmon cakes for dinner on Wednesday but only after a quick at home workout!

I need a thicker yoga mat! Does that exist?  My hardwood floors are "too hard"! haha

My sister and I got into a conversation about eating clean, healthy, unprocessed foods.  She and I "agree to disagree" on protein powder and the process in which it is created.  I do strive to eat unprocessed or minimally processed foods.  Truthfully, protein powder is the most "processed" of food items I eat.  Of course I read the nutritional labels on everything I purchase or eat(when the labels or nutritional data is available).  I think it falls under my "everything in moderation" approach.  
I did read this article and found it interesting view on foods- both processed and unprocessed.
What is your opinion and views on this??

I did stumble upon this protein powder which boasts, grass fed whey, no-gmo's and no artificial sweeteners.
I ordered a sample(free shipping woot woot!).  I will let you know when I receive it.

I am getting off work at 3:00 and heading to my parents for the weekend.  Father's Day and all.  We will do Daddy-Daughter things- like fishing, shooting guns and building a bonfire.  All my favorite country girl type things, which I don't get to do enough since I'm now "city-fied" as my Dad says.
How do you plan to celebrate your Dad? #worldsgreatestdad

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