Friday, June 12, 2015


Hey friends! I hope you all had an amazing week!  Other than battling this summer cold/sinus/allergy thing I've got, it was a restful week.  By restful, I mean, no working out!!! YES I know! Hard to imagine.  It's been pure torture.  I love to workout for many reasons.  It keeps me happy and healthy- physically, emotionally and mentally.  I am feeling better today and hope to be back in the gym and kicking butt on Monday.

I am super excited for Saturday! My church group is going to the Astros game and Mercy Me concert following!!


Did you all see this amazing dessert creation I made last night???
Flourless Chocolate Protein Cake!!!(single serving- I promise you won't want to share this)  I will be posting the recipe on "New Recipe" Tuesday.

Well this girl is tired.  Goodnight loves!

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