Monday, April 20, 2015

Eat More Rabbit Food!!

Hello Friends and Foodies!!!
Are you all being good and eating your daily recommended servings of vegetables??  Here is what the USDA recommends.  I take an every thing in moderation approach.  However when it comes to vegetables- especially green ones- I don't limit myself.  I also try to buy as much organic produce as I can afford.  I suggest reading this for guidelines regarding purchasing organic and non-GMO products.  One of my favorite vegetables is carrots.  Don't turn up your nose to carrots! What did they every do to you??? They're delicious- raw or cooked.  If I can persuade you to munch on them, buy organic.  I swear they're sweeter!!

Does anyone struggle with portion control?? I stumbled upon bags at Target when I was looking snack size bags.  These are perfect for both! As much as we both want to- don't fill it with chocolate chips! haha

It's Monday- which is leg day!  I started with a 1 mile warm-up run on the outdoor track at my gym.  The weather was just too nice to run indoors!  Got to get my dose of Vitamin D!  Once I warmed up, here is how the rest of my workout went:
  • Standing Leg Curls- 3 sets/12 reps
  • Leg Extension- 4 sets/15 reps
  • Bulgarian Split Squats- 4 sets/15 reps 
  • Dead lifts - same
  • Body Weight Lunges- 4 sets/20 reps
  • Leg Press-Single leg- 3 sets/15 reps
  • Cable thigh adductor- 3 sets/15 reps
  • Cable thigh abductor- 3 sets/15 reps
  • Glute Bridge with Bosu ball- 3 sets/15 reps
  • Calf Raises- didn't have time to do these! :-/

I had to take a selfie in one of my favorite gym tanks

I was experiencing "dead legs" and hobbled my way into the bistro to grab a protein shake and then headed home.  I whipped up dinner(baked fish with kale and zucchini) followed by my treat of Arctic Zero Vanilla Maple Protein dessert topped with some PB2.  Delicious and healthy!! 

I guess that is all for tonight folks.  It's time for some good old American baseball!  GO ASTROS!!!

I've got some VERY exciting news to share this week!!! Stay tuned!!! xoxo

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