Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day!!!

Go Green- Eat Lean- Train Mean!!!

Do you all do something unique for Earth Day?  I'm lame and didn't do anything.  Well if you count re-using my Venti cup at Starbucks for a refill versus requesting a new cup, then I did participate! haha
I trained chest and triceps today with a round of cardio at the end.  For cardio I did jump rope.  1 minute on/1 minute off- for 10 rounds.  I was able to squeeze in the jump rope outdoors before it started to rain.  
We are supposed to get another round of thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow.  Um hello Mother Nature- I am deficient in vitamin D! Need some medicine asap!  The local news said it should clear by Sunday!! #sundayfunday

I'm struggling to finish this post tonight as I am so tired I can barely hold my eyes open.  Sorry friends, sometimes you just need more rest.

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