Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hello Tuesday!
I feel like this week is flying by! Monday was a blur! It was Opening Day for National League Baseball, so of course I had to support my hometown boys!
Go 'Stros!!!
It was a win and a great way to start the season!
I had this delicious lunch- my own recipe- Sriracha chicken salad!!  
After work on Monday I trained legs as usual. I'm following a plan from BodyBuilding - this is a great source for weight training.  As well as diet/eating plans.

This morning I was feeling a bit tight from yesterday's workout, so I rolled out of bed and right onto the foam roller.  It is seriously the best $40 I ever spent!!  I followed my stretching with a protein pancake.  I was trying a new recipe and it was a FLOP!!! It tasted great but the consistency was off.  It was more like a cookie than pancake.
I even added some spray butter to dress it up.  It was stiff and dry.  I will attempt the recipe again this weekend.  

Well my pillow is calling my name.  Good night friends!!!

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