Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hello All!
I hope everyone had a great day! I did.  I left work and went directly to my second house of worship- the gym.  I trained back and bi's. Followed by some burpees and mountain climbers. 1 minute, 1 minute off for 5 rounds each. Not easy folks!

It was such a beautiful day here in Southeast Texas!  Sometimes you just have to stop and enjoy the beautiful things in life!
I'm glad I had the time to lounge for a few minutes because it won't happen this weekend.  We're expecting rain all weekend and into next weekend.

Dinner looked like this-
Everything but the kitchen sink salad! Not pictured- homemade turkey burger and 1/2 ounce of pecans.  Tonight I needed a sweet treat and I caved and threw together this snack
If you haven't tried Arctic Zero yet you need to! Like go to the store right now and grab some. You will thank me.  Arctic Zero is an frozen treat made with whey protein.  It boasts amazing nutritional stats, only 35 calories, 7g carbs, 5g sugar, 3g protein for a 1/2c serving! The entire pint is only 150 calories, meaning you won't feel guilty if you eat the entire pint.(I only say that because I have-SMH).  
I cannot scream that loud enough.  It's been a hectic week at work and I am looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday.  By sleeping in-I mean 8am! Gosh it sucks getting older.  
My niece's 7th birthday is this weekend.  What do I buy a 7 year old?? Suggestions please!

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