Thursday, May 7, 2015

Happy Friday's Eve!!!
I am glad the week is winding down. I really need some chill time this weekend.  I got a deep tissue massage yesterday(if you haven't had one- you need to!!) and she really kicked my butt! I was achy today but kept moving and drinking lots of water.

On to the good news . . . .
If you've been following me on Instagram or Facebook then you know I launched my new website!!!!
I'm so happy to share this with you!! You can purchase my cookbook- Freakin Fit Foodie Eats- print or E-book version, AND follow my blog all in one spot.  
My cookbook has over 35 simple, clean and healthy recipes. Appetizers, side dishes, entrees, desserts, dressing and protein shakes!  I use simple ingredients that can be purchased at any grocery store or warehouse store.
If you have any questions about my cookbook or the recipes, please let me know!

Well my stomach is growling, time to feed the beast!
Does anyone have big plans for the weekend?? I would love to hear about them! 
Don't forget to honor the most important woman in your life- your mom!! I love you mom! 
Goodnight Friends!!

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