Friday, May 22, 2015

Helllloooooo Friday! What took you so long???  haha
Today my boss was feeling quite generous and let me off at 2:00.  That was nice.  I headed to the store to grab some guacamole for dinner and movies with a couple women from my small group.  Sometimes a night in is just what you need.  While at the store I saw these-
Yeah um these had to come home with me! (don't judge me) I absolutely LOVE s'mores.  Hopefully they are good. Thank goodness tomorrow is treat day!

I usually rest on Wednesdays but I trained instead to take today off.  I needed it.  I've been more sore than usual.  I need to adjust my routine or supplements.  I do plan to meet with competition nutritionist soon.  I've always wanted to compete, but I change my mind daily.  haha It would be a big step for me and pushing past my comfort zones.

Since it's supposed to rain tomorrow, I don't think I will be able to fit in an outdoor run )c:  In fact it's supposed to rain all weekend and into next week.  Yuck!  I was hoping to spend some time soaking up the sun.  I guess that will have to wait until next weekend.

I am however going to a crawfish boil hosted by a sweet friend from my church. I'm excited as this is the first time I am having crawfish this season! Shocker, I know!  After the crawfish boil I plan to spend some quality time with my couch and Netflix.  I've been on-the-go so much lately, I am looking forward to being lazy during this long weekend.

What do you all have planned for the long weekend???

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