Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What's up Wednesday??

We are half way to the weekend! A long weekend in fact!! Oh and yeah my birthday is Tuesday.  Not sure how I feel about it this year.  Just another day.  Except with cake! haha

Last night I was playing with some new recipes.  I created this delicious breakfast-
Overnight Protein French Toast Bake
2 slices Ezekiel Bread(or whole wheat/grain bread)
2 tbsp vanilla protein powder(I used Dymatize ISO 100)
1 tsp cinnamon, divided
1/2 c Unsweetened almond coconut milk(could use other varieties or cow's milk)
1 egg white
10 drops liquid Stevia
1/2 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
Cooking Spray

Spray a glass dish with cooking spray.  Place the bread in the dish.  I a small bowl mix milk, protein powder, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, egg white, stevia and vanilla extract.  Pour mixture over bread.  Cover and refrigerate overnight.  When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Sprinkle remaining 1/2 tsp cinnamon over bread.  Bake for 30 mins.  Then switch to broil.  Broil for approximately 3 minutes.  Checking to make sure it isn't burning.  Serve warm with spray butter or 1 tsp honey or agave.

I think this by far is one of the best recipes I've ever created.  Though I'm a bit partial to breakfast.  I could eat breakfast items for 3 meals a day! Wait what I am saying- I like all meals!! 

Here is my 10:00 snack- baked jicama chips! They are tasty.  I will post the recipe tomorrow.  Can't give you too many in one day, right?!?! haha

Today, I had the pleasure of meeting up with my friend and fellow gym buddy for lunch.  We went to Salata- one of my favorite places.  So many options- only one size bowl! haha

My pre work snack was this delicious apple!  This apple was left over from my lunch date with my mom on Monday.  This girl cannot pick a good apple to save my life!! Apple a day keeps the doctor away!

After work I hit the gym for some cardio and stretching before meeting friends at church.  After church I came home and did one load of laundry.  The laundry is piled up! It's bad!  I hope to get it all finished this weekend.

On Saturday I have the Top Gun Run benefitting the Intrepid Fallen Heros Fund. and a crawfish boil with some friends from church.  I hope to squeeze in some sunbathing- if the weather will cooperate!

What is you favorite meal? Do you have big plans for the weekend? Want to invite me?!?! haha (c;

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